mallard: [14] Etymologically, a mallard seems to be a ‘male bird’. It comes from Old French mallart, which was probably a development of an earlier *maslart, a derivative of masle ‘male’ (source of English male). It was originally used for the ‘male of the wild duck’, but now it denotes either sex of the species (Anas platyrhynchos). => male
mallard (n.)
c. 1300, "wild drake or duck," from Old French malart (12c.) or Medieval Latin mallardus, apparently from male, from Latin masculus (see male), in which case the original sense probably was not of a specific species but of any male wild duck, though the specific sense of "male of the wild duck" was not attested in English until early 14c.
1. A mallard suddenly took wing, rising steeply into the air with an angry squawk.
2. Have you worked with Dr. Mallard long, Gerald?
你跟着马拉德医生很久了吗, 杰拉德?
3. Should I start taking photos, Doctor Mallard?
我该开始拍照了吗, 马拉德医生?
4. Breed mallard of North America green head to having wide market perspective.
5. The carcass quality of Linwu mallard was measured after slaughtering.