- n. 排水沟;槽;贫民区
- vi. 流;形成沟
- vt. 开沟于…;弄熄
- adj. 贫贱的;粗俗的;耸人听闻的
- n. (Gutter)人名;(罗)古特尔;(英)格特
复数: gutters;第三人称单数: gutters;过去式: guttered;过去分词: guttered;现在分词: guttering;
1. gout => gutter.
2. 谐音“沟头儿”----栽在阴沟里头儿。
gutter 檐沟来自拉丁语gutta, 水滴,滴流,词源同gout. 原指马路下水道,后也指檐沟。
- gutter
- gutter: [13] Etymologically, a gutter is something along which ‘drops’ of water run. Its distant ancestor is Latin gutta ‘drop’ (source also of English gout). From it was formed the Vulgar Latin derivative *guttāria, which passed into English via Anglo-Norman gotere. The use of the word as a verb, meaning (of a flame) ‘flicker on the point of going out’, comes from the channel, or ‘gutter’, formed down one side of a candle by the melted wax flowing away.
=> gout - gutter (n.)
- late 13c., "watercourse, water drainage channel along the side of a street," from Anglo-French gotere, Old French guitere, goutiere "gutter, spout" of water (12c., Modern French gouttière), from goute "a drop," from Latin gutta "a drop" (see gout). Meaning "furrow made by running water" is from 1580s. Meaning "trough under the eaves of a roof to carry off rainwater" is from mid-14c. Figurative sense of "low, profane" is from 1818. In printers' slang, from 1841.
- gutter (v.)
- late 14c., "to make or run in channels" (transitive), from gutter (n.). Intransitive use, in reference to candles (1706) it is from the channel that forms as the molten wax flows off. Related: Guttered; guttering.
- 1. The gutter press has held the royals up to ridicule.
- 黄色报刊公然奚落皇室成员。
- 2. There's a cigarette packet thrown into the gutter.
- 阴沟里有个香烟盒.
- 3. Instead of ending up in jail or in the gutter he was remarkably successful.
- 结果他非但没有锒铛入狱或是穷困潦倒,反而功成名就。
- 4. The creeper is growing in towards the gutter, and should be cleared away.
- 蔓草往沟里生长, 应该除掉.
- 5. He picked her out of the gutter and made her a great lady.
- 他使她脱离贫苦生活,并成为贵妇.